
Yiğit Ekin

MSc Student

Bilkent University


About Me

I am an MSc student in the Department of Computer Science at Bilkent University, supervised by Asst. Prof. Ayşegül Dündar. My research focuses on computer vision and machine learning, especially on generative models with an emphasis on diffusion models. I received my BSc of Computer Science from Bilkent University in 2023.

Research Interests


  1. Yiğit Ekin, Ahmet Burak Yıldırım, Erdem Eren Çağlar, Aykut Erdem, Erkut Erdem, Ayşegül Dündar
    In Submission

  2. Image Inpainting with StyleGAN's Feature Space
    Mustafa Utku Aydoğdu, Ahmet Burak Yıldırım, Yiğit Ekin, Ayşegül Dündar
    In Submission


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